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Founded by industry companies, Verisafe provides the resources sector with a high standard for VOC .

How it works

Established by companies in the resources sector, Verisafe enables participating companies to fulfil their duty of care, by ensuring industry workers hold the necessary experience, skills, and competency to safely complete High Risk Work tasks.

Verisafe delivers the following objectives.


Governance and Working Groups

Participating industry members, who are responsible for the development, management, and continuous improvement of the Verisafe framework.


Subject Matter Experts

Providing specialised advice to maintain the quality and relevance of assessment tools.


Verisafe Registered Assessors

Highly qualified and experienced assessors, recognised and nominated by participating Member companies.


Robust Verification of Competency Assessment

Theory and practical High Risk Work assessments, completed under industry work conditions. Mapped to industry and regulatory requirements.


Quality and Assurance Audit

Internal and external auditing, ensuring integrity and currency is maintained.

Secure and Centralised Competency Management

MyPass® is the technology partner behind Verisafe’s VOC solution. MyPass is a secure, cloud-based platform that is ISO 27001 certified and compliant with information privacy regulations.

Would you like to contribute to safer, more effective workplaces?


Member Participation

Industry Company becomes a participating Member and engages their Contractors to register an online Verisafe Portal.

Contractor Workforce Set - Up

Contractor enters workforce requirements into Verisafe portal. High Risk Work Licence (HRWL) requirements nominated for verification of competency assessment.

Worker HRWL Assessment

Worker HRWL competency verified via Verisafe assessment. Registered Assessor uploads assessment outcome to MyPass – Verisafe portal.

Assessment Validation

Worker VOC assessment validated within the Contractor Verisafe Portal.

Mobilise Workforce

Competent HRWL Contractor workforce mobilised.


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