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Verisafe is a resources sector initiative for the standardisation of safer, more effective workplaces.

Who we are

Verisafe is a member-funded organisation that governs an agreed and consistent verification of competency process, ensuring workers have the necessary experience and competency to safely complete high risk work tasks on site.

Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and accompanying regulations, employers have a duty of care to ensure workers have the necessary experience, skills and/or competency to safely complete work tasks.

While training programs and the introduction of High Risk Work Licencing provides industry workforce with skills and knowledge, these alone do not provide the industry with confidence that individuals possess the necessary competence to work safely and effectively at the required level.

Since our formation in 2017, Verisafe has released five verification of competency assessments, covering nine high risk work classes of competency.

The Verisafe assessments ensures workforce competency is standardised, established, and maintained, across participating member companies.

Our development of standardised competency assessments continues, with slewing and non-slewing crane Verisafe verification of competency assessments underdevelopment and expected to be released in 2023.

Industry Companies - Sign up for a safer, more effective workforce.

Why verisafe?

Founded by industry companies for the benefit of companies, contractors, assessors, and workers within the resources sector.


How it works

Verisafe enables participating companies to fulfil their duty of care, by ensuring industry workers hold the necessary experience, skills, and competency to safely complete High Risk Work tasks.